Logo Immo Références

Immo Références

2 offices
2-3 IPI agents

Immo Références Intro

Immo Références is a realtor with 2 offices whose activities are mainly located in Brussels. Moreover, they score an average of 4.0 out of 5 on Facebook and Google.

Immo Références reviews

Unfair treatment and loss of deposit by real estate agent

Mike H.

(Vertaald door Google) Ik koos de kant van mijn oneerlijke huisbaas en hield mijn volledige aanbetaling (Origineel) Sided with my dishonest landlord and kept my entire deposit

Extremely rude real estate agent with poor communication skills

Kitty B.

Aurelie is the most rudest Real Estate Agent that I've ever came across. I liked a house for renting and I requested her to book that for me, but she behaved in such a rude way!! If there were other candidates, she could have just politely turned me down, but no! She had to be so rude!! The way she rejected me was very disrespectful. She also cal...
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Service insatisfaisant et décevant

Lokmane A.

(Vertaald door Google) Helemaal niet blij met de service die ik kreeg. (Origineel) Pas du tout content du service que j'ai pu recevoir.

Immo Références offices 2 Offices

Immo References - Lasne

Grand rue du Double Ecot 23, 1380 Lasne
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Immo References - Ixelles

rue Américaine 158, 1050 Ixelles
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