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Immo Univers|Immo Univers - Berloz

Immo Univers - Berloz

Rue du Centre 10, 4257 Berloz

Immo Univers - Berloz Intro

Immo Univers - Berloz is een makelaarskantoor dat deel uitmaakt van Immo Univers. Ze hebben momenteel nog geen beoordelingen.

Immo Univers - Berloz beoordelingen

Lovely setting, great service, and excellent food at reasonable prices

Mark P.

Lovely setting. Great service. Excellent food. Also very reasonable prices for London!

Google beoordeling

Urvi S.

Great service and great food! This is a regular haunt that never disappoints!

Great atmosphere and service, but disappointing food

Philip B.

Great atmosphere and service. Unfortunately the food did not match expectations. Bland risotto.
