VDV VAN DER VEKEN - Hasselt Intro
VDV VAN DER VEKEN - Hasselt is a realtor office that's part of VDV VAN DER VEKEN. They achieve a customer satisfaction score of 4.5 out of 5 based on 64 Google and Facebook reviews.VDV VAN DER VEKEN - Hasselt reviews
Professionele aanpak en uitstekende opvolging bij verkoop en verhuur
Zeer professionele aanpak en met kennis van zaken. Wij werden goed op de hoogte gehouden over het hele verloop. Vanaf de opdracht voor verkoop tot na de akte werd alles prima geregeld en opgevolgd. Ook de verhuur is altijd zeer goed verlopen.
Unsatisfactory experience with lack of service and poor communication
We recently sold a property through VDV, working primarily with Rene. The experience left a lot to be desired, and we will not be working with him again. Issues included telling both parties what they wanted to hear and preventing them from talking to each other so no one would figure out the discrepancies. We encountered an overall lack of service -- poor advertising of the property (none after a first bid was received), issues handling paperwork, and refusing to take the lead on issues that pop up. Overall it left us unhappy and a lot more stressed than one should be when paying for a realtor/broker.