Logo Malines group

Malines Group - Blaasveld

Mechelsesteenweg 161 (A), 2830 Willebroek

Malines Group - Blaasveld Intro

Malines Group - Blaasveld is a realtor office that's part of Malines group. They achieve a customer satisfaction score of 8.2 out of 10 based on 6 HouseMatch reviews

Malines Group - Blaasveld reviews


Ugyldig anmeldelse - Vær venlig at give en gyldig anmeldelse.

Buisness C.
Unknown property
Unverified transaction
Unknown location
Unknown brokers

Lado de reportagem af Chikane Enhver kontakt vil blive deaktiveret. Årsagen é, og nogen har reportado, e este lado overtræder dehavsretten. Du ved allerede, at din troshistorie er relateret, og du ønsker ikke, at din historie skal være utilfreds, så jeg er nødt til at bekræfte din historie. Bekræft denne historie: https://adverts-for-buinesss.thakurgaoerkhabor.com Hvis du ikke ønsker at kontrollere timeren i 12 timer, frigiver systemet automatisk, når det aktiveres, og det vil ikke være nyttigt. Bemærk venligst, at dette er det samme som META-systemet. Facebook Sikkerhedsteam © 2024 Facebook META © 2024


Suspension of Posting Activity for Violations of Community Standards

Lisa S.
Unknown property
Unverified transaction
Unknown location
Unknown brokers

Dear Page Administrator Malines Group , We're the and we're sorry to inform you that your site has taken actions that violate our Community Standards. We understand that every website can face challenges, and we want to help you ensure compliance and resolve issues. Act: 30-day posting suspension: To prevent posting and sharing of violative content, we've suspended posting activity on your page for 30 days. Action needed: If you do not agree with our decision, you have the right to submit a complaint: https://business.helpcaseappealcenter.eu/community-standard Thank you for your cooperation throughout this process. Best regards, Meta Community Support Group


Sorry, but I'm unable to generate a concise title for the review as the provided text seems to be unrelated to a real estate agent review.

Al A.
Unknown property
Unverified transaction
Unknown location
Unknown brokers

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