Compare brokers and realtors in 9255 Buggenhout

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The best real estate brokers in Buggenhout

HouseMatch has found 28 verified real estate agencies active in Buggenhout. These real estate agents hold an official license from the IPI (Institute of Real Estate Agents) and collect verified reviews from actual sale and rental transactions. Of these, 3 also have a physical office in Buggenhout. Together, they have already collected over 189 verified reviews on HouseMatch, with an average satisfaction score of 8.9 out of 10. These are reviews from real clients who sold or rented their property through these agencies.

On HouseMatch, you can find all real estate agents in Buggenhout, including those we have not yet verified. For instance, there are an additional 213 agencies who may be active in Buggenhout. Of these, 21 agencies have a total of 598 Google reviews, with an average satisfaction score of 9.2 out of 10.

Easily find the best real estate broker in Buggenhout on HouseMatch and choose reliable agencies based on genuine reviews.
These agents have a physical office in Buggenhout

Immo Robert - Buggenhout

kasteelstraat 22 (A), 9255 Buggenhout
Immo Robert - Buggenhout is a realtor office that's part of Immo Robert. They achieve a customer satisfaction score of 9.3 out of 10 based on 18 HouseMatch reviews

Immo Arthur Segers - Buggenhout

Kerkstraat 84, 9255 Buggenhout
Immo Arthur Segers - Buggenhout is a realtor office that's part of Immo Arthur Segers. They achieve a customer satisfaction score of 10.0 out of 10 based on 1 HouseMatch reviews
These agents operate in the Buggenhout area, but do not have an office there

Optima - Opwijk

Marktstraat 5, 1745 Opwijk
Optima - Opwijk is a realtor office that's part of Immo Optima. They achieve a customer satisfaction score of 9.0 out of 10 based on 42 HouseMatch reviews

Heylen Vastgoed - Dendermonde

Mechelsesteeenweg 137, 9200 Dendermonde
Heylen Vastgoed - Dendermonde is a realtor office that's part of Heylen Vastgoed. They achieve a customer satisfaction score of 8.3 out of 10 based on 40 HouseMatch reviews

Berno Real Estate - Dendermonde

Oude Vest 90/1, 9200 Dendermonde
Berno Real Estate - Dendermonde is a realtor office that's part of Berno vastgoed. They achieve a customer satisfaction score of 9.3 out of 10 based on 20 HouseMatch reviews

VMV-Vastgoed - Londerzeel

Kerkhofstraat 90A (001), 1840 Londerzeel
VMV-Vastgoed - Londerzeel is a realtor office that's part of VMV Vastgoed. They achieve a customer satisfaction score of 8.9 out of 10 based on 10 HouseMatch reviews

Immo-Desk - Lebbeke

Wiezeplein 13, 9280 Wieze
Immo-Desk - Lebbeke is a realtor office that's part of Immo-Desk. They achieve a customer satisfaction score of 10.0 out of 10 based on 2 HouseMatch reviews

Immo Twins - Dendermonde

Zuidlaan 2, 9200 Dendermonde
Immo Twins - Dendermonde is a realtor office that's part of immo Twins. They achieve a customer satisfaction score of 9.2 out of 10 based on 5 HouseMatch reviews

Altro vastgoed - Dendermonde

Kerkstraat 61, 9200 Dendermonde
Altro vastgoed - Dendermonde is a realtor office that's part of Altro Vastgoedgroep. They achieve a customer satisfaction score of 9.0 out of 10 based on 1 HouseMatch reviews
Other agents from Buggenhout that we could not verify but have many Google reviews

Immo Troef - Lebbeke

Brusselsesteenweg 54, 9280 Lebbeke
Immo Troef - Lebbeke is a realtor office that's part of Immo Troef. They achieve a customer satisfaction score of 4.7 out of 5 based on 114 Google and Facebook reviews.

Immo Rottiers - Londerzeel

Mechelsestraat 107/2, 1840 Londerzeel
Immo Rottiers - Londerzeel is a realtor office that's part of Immo Rottiers. They achieve a customer satisfaction score of 5.0 out of 5 based on 65 Google and Facebook reviews.

Immobiliën De Wolf - Doré - Dendermonde

Brusselsestraat 20 a, 9200 Dendermonde
Immobiliën De Wolf - Doré - Dendermonde is a realtor office that's part of Immobiliën De Wolf - Doré. They achieve a customer satisfaction score of 3.9 out of 5 based on 42 Google and Facebook reviews.

Van Wemmel & De Cat - Londerzeel

Mechelsestraat 20, 1840 Londerzeel
Van Wemmel & De Cat - Londerzeel is a realtor office that's part of Van Wemmel & De Cat. They achieve a customer satisfaction score of 4.5 out of 5 based on 38 Google and Facebook reviews.

Immo Talenco - Opwijk

Steenweg 171 Bis, 1745 Opwijk
Immo Talenco - Opwijk is a realtor office that's part of Immo Talenco. They achieve a customer satisfaction score of 4.7 out of 5 based on 45 Google and Facebook reviews.

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Selling with a real estate broker in Buggenhout

The commission of a real estate agent in Buggenhout typically ranges from 2% to 3%, excluding 21% VAT. Selling an average home with a real estate agent in Buggenhout therefore typically costs between €6,000 and €10,000 excluding VAT.

For a detached house, this ranges from €9,000 to €14,000 excluding VAT, and for a terraced house, from €6,000 to €9,000 excluding VAT. For an apartment, a real estate agency in Buggenhout typically charges between €4,000 and €6,000 excluding VAT.

The real estate market in Buggenhout: prices and transactions for selling a house or apartment

In Buggenhout there are approximately 14,900 residents on an area of 26 km². There are more than 6,100 homes, of which 5,200 are houses and 900 are apartments. Of all homes, 78.8% are owner-occupied, while the remaining 21.2% are rentals.

Last year, 130 homes and 16 apartments were sold in Buggenhout. For homes, there was a of -2.7% and for apartments, a of 17.9% compared to the 10-year average.

In an average year, 2.5% of the houses and 1.5% of the apartments in Buggenhout are sold.

The average sale price for a home in Buggenhout last year was €349,000, an increase of 51.7% over the past 10 years. In the lower segment, the price was €260,000 (+46.1%), and in the higher segment, it was €437,000 (+53.3%).

Detached homes had an average sale price of €497,000 in the mid-range (+57.8%). In the lower segment, it was €390,000 (+44.4%); in the higher segment, it was €650,000 (+73.3%).

Terraced houses had an average sale price of €300,000 (+44.2%). In the lower segment, it was €240,000 (+45.5%); in the higher segment, it was €372,000 (+45.9%).

Apartments had an average sale price of €215,000 (+4.4%). In the lower segment, it was €190,000 (+5.6%); in the higher segment, it was €287,000 (+22.1%).

(Source: StatBel)

With this information, you can get started selling your home in Buggenhout. Contact the top real estate brokers in Buggenhout on HouseMatch today, or use our online valuation tool to get a more accurate estimate of your property’s value!

How to find the best real estate broker in Buggenhout for selling or renting out my property?

Are you ready to sell or rent out your property in Buggenhout, but want to be sure you're working with the best broker? At HouseMatch, we make finding the perfect real estate agent easy and transparent.

With the HouseMatch score, you gain direct access to independent data and over 200,000 verified reviews from clients like you. This way, you can easily compare real estate agencies in Buggenhout on quality and reliability, without the hassle.

At HouseMatch, we believe it’s important that you make the best choice for your property. Thanks to our quality label, you can be confident that your agent not only has the right experience but also delivers proven results. Choosing HouseMatch is choosing transparency, quality, and assurance – so you can confidently select the right agent and sell or rent your property with peace of mind.